Become Miss Colorado's Teen
Personal Interview with the Judges
Health & Fitness
On Stage Question
Evening Gown
Talent (90 seconds)
Each Delegate must also have a Community Service Initiative (CSI) to work and promote in her year of service.
June 9-14, 2025
Teen Delegates 14-18: must be 14 by the start date of state competition, and no older than 18 at the start date of state competition (6/9/25).
18 year olds have the choice as to which division they compete in. As a general recommendation, if an 18 year old girl has completed high school she is encouraged to compete in the Miss division.
If competing as an 18 year old in the Teen division it is important to note that Alabama scholarship only applies to incoming college Freshman.
For All Ages you must ALSO meet criteria as shown below:
• Be a United States citizen
• Be a female
• Single
• No legal dependents
• Meet residency requirements for competing in Colorado (resident for 120 days or full-time student in CO)
Miss Colorado's Teen is a celebrity representative of the Miss America brand, which has a storied 100+ year history, and is an iconic brand that is ‘Made in America.’
The opportunity to earn scholarships, work in your community with a purpose, and be a part of a sisterhood that is 103 years old! PLUS….
• Official Local Sash
• A Miss Colorado Scholarship Foundation T-shirt (given at workshop)
• Access to the 2025 Delegate Facebook Group private page
• Zoom Training sessions to help you prepare for competition
• Opportunities to attend events as an official Local Titleholder
• All Day Workshop on May 4, 2025
• A 6 day experience during Miss Colorado Week (June 9-14)
• Being a part of the Miss America community
Registration Fees
Teen Delegates: $600
OPTIONAL ADD-ON: $100 for local crown
Local crowns are a fun memento and for delegates who plan to be active in their local communities it can add a special element during appearances. Local crowns are only worn with sash and for local appearances. Any group events will be sash only for the local delegates. If you have previously competed and already have a local crown, you do not need an additional crown unless you desire one.
Have you already registered with Miss America for this next year’s cycle? If not you can do so here, otherwise be prepared to upload your proof of registration:
Then, be ready to upload your unofficial headshot, proof of eligibility, fill out the official Miss America contract and pay your registration fees:
When registering: ALL information (email, name, etc) MUST be for girl competing, NOT parent(s)